Tel 01874 730368
Opening times:-
Closed until 9am on 28 May 2024.
We DO NOT hire out bikes.
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It is no longer a legal requirement, to wear face masks in shops. However, it would be appreciated, if those with "Flu like" symptoms postpone their visits. Despite the relaxing of restrictions, only one customer (Or party), at a time, is allowed to enter the shop. Please wait by the gate, if there is someone in the shop when you arrive (Or join queue if already formed).


Monday 24 November 2008 Filed in: General

V.A.T. is to be cut from 17.5% to 15% from 1st December, until the end of 2009.

We are looking for ways to impliment the changes as smoothly as possible but feel that some down time is inevitable. This is likely to occur next weekend, when I feel that online sales will slower, as customers anticipte the 15% V.A.T. rate.


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