Tel 01874 730368
Opening times:-

Mon Thu Fri 9-1 2-6
Tuesday (This week only) 9 - 1 & closed afternoon
Wednesday Closed
Saturday 9-1 & 2-5
Sunday Closed

We also close on all bank holidays, except Good Friday.

We DO NOT hire out bikes.

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It is no longer a legal requirement, to wear face masks in shops. However, it would be appreciated, if those with "Flu like" symptoms postpone their visits. Despite the relaxing of restrictions, only one customer (Or party), at a time, is allowed to enter the shop. Please wait by the gate, if there is someone in the shop when you arrive (Or join queue if already formed).

Please note, we do not cater for electric bikes and that workshop time is limited by online sales.

We have a fully equipped workshop (Containing many things, from a screw driver to a milling machine & lathe) and can draw on a depth of engineering knowledge, plus experience of wheel building and mechanical work on frames and bikes.

We are in the business of doing things properly but this doesn't mean charging extortionate rates (However it doesn't mean we are a charity either). Like our component prices, our labour rates are more than reasonable.

Since bikes vary so much, in terms of what equipment they have and how much of it is serviceable (As opposed to "Sealed for life"), each bike is assessed individually. When a bike is presented for service, in many cases, what they actually require is repair. Servicing is preventive process, whereby things are maintained before they go wrong. Repair is a remedial process, that is usually more costly than service. If quality bikes are serviced regularly and properly, they should give years of good service. Alas "Service" is a much misused term and many so called services are an inadequate waste of money (There is more to a service, than oiling the chain and a half hearted attempt to adjust the gears, where no attempt is made to first check the gear hanger alignment). It is always helpful to know how many miles a bike has done, since it was last serviced and to know exactly what was done, during the last service.

Unless directed to a specific area, by the customer, when a bike is presented for a general service (Or repair as the case may be), it is subjected to a thorough check, according to a check list we have compiled. If no information is available, as to usage since the last service (Or since new, as the case may be), it will be presumed that the bike is due for a full overhaul. Provided a reasonable amount of work is then sanctioned, by the customer, this check is free of charge. If not a charge of £25 is made.

Jobs are processed in order and once complete, customers are told. It is not always easy to give timescales, as it usually depends on how many interruptions there are to the work (This includes requests for "Progress reports", which are only another source of delay). Suffice to say, the work will be done as soon as possible but it will never be rushed - when we do work to a bike, we don't wish to see it again, until it is due for further service. Since many bikes appear to be put away and forgotten, during Winter, this is often a better time, to get your bike serviced, in that workshop availability is more likely. We are not in a position to do roadside repairs (And this includes fixing punctures, for those who have left home ill prepared) or to offer same day service. Customers are advised to book workshop services in advance, rather than turn up without prior arrangement. However, where customers break appointments, without warning and without reasonable explanation, no further appointments will be given to them.

With regard to rectifying shoddy workmanship, on bikes bought elsewhere, that are still under warranty, we advise that all such problems be referred to the original supplier (To not do so can invalidate the warranty). We can (Sometimes, depending on circumstances) inspect such bikes and provide a report for a fee of £25 but could not undertake further work, without a written disclaimer, from the original supplier, absolving us of any warranty responsibilities.

Components, which are replaced in the course of repairs or servicing, remain the responsibility of the customer and are to be taken away, when the completed work is collected. contains reviews of, some of which cover things involving a labour content. Click here for details.

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